The Mossy Carpet Comes to Sneinton
Thanks to a grant from The Brain Treffrey and Joan Oliver Fund which is administrated by the wonderful Nottinghamshire Community Foundation we have been able to bring Arts and Energy Collective's Mossy Carpet Project to Sneinton!!
We have been running an after school club at Sneinton C of E Primary School and will being doing a mossy carpet session at Mini Growers (0-5 year old gardening club).
The ART and ENERGY Collective is an award-winning group of artists, tinkerers, researchers, scientists, and makers based in the South West of the UK.
They specialise in designing participatory arts projects which help people take creative steps towards a brighter greener future, recognising that we are facing giant dilemmas of climate change and ecological disaster.
Easter Eggers
Saturday 30th March (the day before Easter day) 2024
11am to 2pm Easter Egg Hunt and other Easter business - £1 donation to do the hunt !
at Lindum Grove brought to you by Friends of Lindum Grove, Sowing Sneinton and Happy Monday's Play group.
Hopefully we will have a wonderful performance from some Pace Eggers!!

Sneinton C of E Primary School Community Allotment
In partnership with Sneinton C of E Primary School we have secured National Lottery, Awards For All Community Fund funding for 2 years to pay an allotment worker to work on the community allotment that is next to the school and part of Greens and Shilton Allotments.
The allotment will be refurbished to make it possible for community groups and school groups to use the garden to grow and harvest fruit and veg, cook and share food - and to investigate the science of soil and mini beasts.
Here's a link to the school's social media - >LINK
Here you can see some of our allotment clearing sessions with Good Gym volunteers :

The 40th anniversary of Sneinton Festival - 2024
Sowing Sneinton has taken the lead in organising Sneinton Festival this year.
We intend to help set up Sneinton Festival as it's own constituted community group so it can flourish for many years to come.
Please get in touch if you want to help organise the festival or perform at it.