Indoor Play Groups - in Sneinton and near by
9.30 - 11 Happy Mondays, St Christopher's Church, Trent Rd (£1 donation)
9.30 -11 Dance Affinity Stay and Play at Wild Cats Arena, Greenwood Road, Sneinton £2 for 1 adult & 2 children, Additional children/adults 50p
9.30 - 11 Mini Movers - soft play, Brendon Lawrence Sports Centre, 35 Hungerhill Road, NG3 4NB (£1)
10 - 11.30 Lady Bay Parent and Toddler Group, All Hallows Hall Lady Bay, (£3 per family)
12.15pm Splash Tots - Victoria swimming baths, Sneinton Market (not sure how much)
9.30 - 11 Toddlers - Salvation Army (free)
10 - 11.30 Grace Church, Castle Boulevard NG7 1FT (free)
9.30 - 11 EPIC, Oliver Hind Club, Edale Rd, NG2 4HT (free)
10.30 - 11 Tots Time (library singing), Dales Centre (free)
10.30 - 12 Sparklers, St Nic's Church, 79 Maid Marion Way, NG1 6AE (free)
9.30 -11 Dance Affinity Stay and Play at Wild Cats Arena, Greenwood Road, Sneinton £2 for 1 adult & 2 children, Additional children/adults 50p
9.30 - 11 EPIC, Oliver Hind Club, Edale Rd, NG2 4HT (free)
11am Splash Tots - Victoria swimming baths, Sneinton Market (not sure how much)
10 - 11.30 Lady Bay Parent and Toddler Group, All Hallows Hall Lady Bay, (£3 per family)
Outdoor Children's Groups in Nottingham
These are all for Under 5s and their carers - usually run in term time only:
9:30am – 11am New Shoots STAA, St Ann's, NG3 4NB
9:30am - 11am Mini Movers Cherry Lodge, King Edward Park, NG3 2AR
10am - 11.30am Mini Growers Lindum Grove , Sneinton
11am - 1pm Muddy Boots Summerwood Community Garden, Clifton