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The Bank Of Tribulation


2008, New Briggate Gallery, Leeds.


Interactive one to one performance piece (the artist is inside the machine operating it).


The bank provides financial planning for the end of time.

Here's a small video of it's previous incarnation as The Bank of Heironymous Gosch

Union, Contact, Connect: Gesture Perfection Class


2012, Hatch, Attenborough Art Centre, Leicester.


Interactive performance piece re-teaching how to interact with other people.


Very kindly reviewed by Wayne Burrows here -

Here's a little sample video here:

Image credit:  Julian Hughes

Image credit:  Julian Hughes

Image credit:  Julian Hughes

This tiny picture is all we have of the participatory performance sensation that was...

The Ultimate Death Rebirth Regret Eliminator Rejuvenation Experience Ceremony (TUDRREREC): 21st century team building for the contemporary individual

Performed at 'Death Trap' event at Reactor Towers, Nottingham in 2012.

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